tool box1

  • The apps listed below are great mental health tools but are not substitutes for treatment. Please talk to a trusted adult and seek professional treatment if you are experiencing signs of a mental health condition.
  • If you are having thoughts of suicide or are experiencing a mental health emergency, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK or call 911. See our Suicide Prevention page for more resources.
  • If you want information on how to help a friend, click here for our Youth Mental Health Support page.

Mental Health and Support Apps

If you are looking for more information or wish to download a certain app, click on the app image.

nami airGet Anonymous Support
my3Suicide Prevention Tools Optimism
Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 6.01.52 AM Mood Tracking App
samApp for Managing Anxiety
MedisafemedisafeHealth Management App Joyable
joyableTools for Social Anxiety
Recovery Record
recovery recordJournaling App for Eating Disorders


Even if you’re not currently in need of a helpline, please add the following numbers to your phone contact list for future reference

Crisis Text Line

Text START to 741-741

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Phone: 1 (800) 273-8255 → 24/7
TTY: dial 1(800)799-4899 → 24/7

Teen Line

Phone: 310-855-4673 → 6pm – 10 pm PST
Text TEEN to 839863 → 6pm – 10 pm PST

The Trevor Project – LGBTQ Hotline

Number: 866-488-7386 → 24/7
Text Trevor to 202-304-1200 → Fridays (4:00 pm – 8:00 pm ET)

National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline

Number: 866-331-9474 → 24/7
Text LOVEIS to 22522 → 24/7

Helpful Links

Get Support

Reach Out Here

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Is Preventable
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Mental Health Information

Half of Us
Teens Health
Each Mind Matters
National Alliance for Mental Illness

LGBTQ Support

The Trevor Project
Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Alliance
Matthew Shepard Foundation

Shelter & Housing Resources

Safe Places for Runaways
Find Food and Housing Resources

Transition to College

Going to College
NAMI College

Information about Counselors, Therapy, and Talking to Your Parents

GirlsHealth on Therapy
How to Tell Your Parents You Want Counseling

For Information about Self-Harm, Self-Injury and Alternatives/Distractions

Understanding Self-Injury
Distractions & Alternatives to Self-Harm
Coping with Urges