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Check out Team Photos and our Facebook Album!

Walker & Team Captain Toolkit

Below are the tools you need to be successful in helping us achieve our 2016 NAMIWalks $300,000 goal. You can also contact our Walk Coordinator, Stephanie, at [email protected] or our Team Captain Chair, Sean, at [email protected] if you have any questions. We’re in this together, and together we can make a difference!

Walk Day Details

2016 NAMIWalks Team Captain Manual 

2016 NAMIWalks Fundraising Manual

How to Raise $100

How to Update Your Team Page

How To Update Your Walker Web Page

Team T-shirt Contest

How the Walk Impacts Austin

Off-line Collection Sheet

101 Ways to Add FUN to Fundraising


NAMIWalks Facebook Cover


Get Inspired!



Have you seen our new “Why I Walk” page? We’re asking NAMIWalks Austin participants to tell us why they walk, and we’re sharing it on social media, in emails and on our website. As a Team Captain, take a moment to share your Why and inspire your team. We all have a story to tell!